Hashicorp Vault

Date Added Description Link
2019-11-26 VaultEnv https://github.com/channable/vaultenv
2019-11-29 Vault generic_secret provider https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/vault/d/generic_secret.html
2019-11-29 Vault kv engine https://www.vaultproject.io/docs/secrets/kv/
2019-11-29 Vault Auth Token API https://www.vaultproject.io/api/auth/token/index.html


start server

vault server -config=/Users/gnotch/Dropbox/vault/vault.hcl

unseal vault & login

(by default, 3x with 3 diff unseal keys)

vault operator unseal
vault login

Ignore TLS validation


vault -tls-skip-verify


vault login just creates ~/.vault-token If you want other processes to use it from the einvronment, you must put the value of the token into env var with


export VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.vault-token)


using vaults

# create path + secrets engine
vault secrets enable -path=winternotch kv

# list secrets
vault secrets list
vault secrets list -detailed

using secrets

# put
vault kv put winternotch/test foo=no
vault kv put winternotch/test foo=yes bar=no

# get
vault kv get winternotch/test 

# list 
vault kv list winternotch/

packer variable to key mapping

# key storage
vault kv put secret/hello foo=world

# packer variable
  "variables": {
    "my_secret": "{{ vault `/secret/data/hello` `foo`}}"

# example
vault kv put winternotch/vsphere_username value="[email protected]"
"vsphere_username": "{{ vault `winternotch/data/vsphere_username` `value`}}",

create vault


vault operator init 

# only make 1 unseal keys and only require one of them to unseal (sane for single user)
vault operator init \
    -key-shares=1 \

# encrypt vault keys with GPG 
vault operator init \
    -key-shares=3 \
    -key-threshold=1 \