Random Unix Gems

Generate Unique MAC address for host

GiantDorks Bash Function

  if [ -n "$1" ]; then
    RAND=$(echo $1 | md5sum | sed 's/\(..\)\(..\)\(..\).*/\1:\2:\3/')
    echo "$OID:$RAND"
    echo "ERROR: please supply hostname to create MAC address from, e.g.:"
    echo "       $FUNCNAME myhost"

CommandLineFu OneLiner

echo 00:16:3e$(gethostip | awk '{ print tolower(substr($3,3)) }' |sed 's/.\{2\}/:&/g' )

Iterate across a list of items in a file

read a list of IP addresses from a file and do a dig reverse look up

 while read ip; do dig +noall +answer -x $ip; done < ip-list.txt

find and xargs

couldnt write a better tut myself…

everythingcli find/xargs

ss command (netstat replacements)
ss -aunp  (udp with process and all info)

ss -ltpn (tcp listeners with processes) 

ss -ltpan (tcp with all and processe info )