Foreman Usage

Foreman Manual

cstan - orphan task cleanup

Foreman Plugins

List Plugins available to install

sudo foreman-installer --help | grep enable-

adding plugins

# can be added post install, eg 
foreman-installer --enable-foreman-compute-vmware



foreman debugging

# basic health check
foreman-maintain health check

postgres commands

# tasks
su - postgres -c "psql foreman -c 'select * from foreman_tasks_tasks'"

# locks
 su - postgres -c "psql foreman -c 'select * from foreman_tasks_locks'"

# really wide query, su to postgres and do this

PAGER="less -S"  psql foreman -c 'select * from foreman_tasks_tasks'

rake commands

foreman-rake katello:upgrade_check

# clean task log
foreman-rake foreman_tasks:cleanup TASK_SEARCH="" AFTER=1d

#resync db, useful after task cleanup
foreman-rake katello:reimport

# rake console
foreman-rake console

# delete task by ID, from rake console


puppet agent --test
puppet module install puppetlabs/ntp

Foreman Quick Install

NOTE: You cannot install Katello over Foreman. This is for standalone only

sudo yum -y install

sudo yum -y install

sudo yum -y install foreman-installer

sudo foreman-installer