
single node installation


see below for quickstart (assuming docker running on a unix host)

Persistent Data

Rancher uses etcd as datastore. When using the Single Node Install, the embedded etcd is being used. The persistent data is at the following path in the container: /var/lib/rancher. You can bind mount a host volume to this location to preserve data on the host it is running on. (put in /opt/rancher, chown’d to user:docker, g+w)

Note that this will NOT work with snap installed versions of docker on ubuntu

Launch Command (maps rancher data to local directory)

docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped \
  --name rancher \
  -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \
  -v /opt/rancher:/var/lib/rancher \

manual quick start


creating a vpshere cluster


Error with pre-create check: “host ‘Compute’ not found”; Timeout waiting for ssh key

“Host” setting wrong. Need to leave blank for Cluster with DRS.

Error with pre-create check: “default resource pool resolves to multiple instances, please specify”; Timeout waiting for ssh key

Need to create a Resource Pool for this

updating rancher docker image


  • ensure data is properly externalized
docker ps 
docker stop <imagename>
docker pull rancher/rancher:latest
docker start <imagename>